Purpose of blog

Come to Learn, Leave to Serve
The purpose of this blog is to keep students updated about SLT events and to allow staff and students a forum for ideas or suggestions.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 8th Meeting Minutes

At the SLT meeting we discussed the following items:
1. Valentine's Day Fundraiser update: We made $70- the profits will help fund transportation for OALC field trips. Students indicated a need for more flowers- next year we will order 130- instead of 100, and we will order more purple flowers.
2. Krista received a phone call from CEAP. They have some stocking and sorting duties that they would like our help with. SLT will be volunteering at CEAP once again and SLT advisors will be planning a pizza party collaboration with CEAP staff members. Students felt this was a great way to contribute to community and build positive relationships with adults outside of the OALC. We are tenatively planning April 7th as our volunteer date- the time frame will be appox. 11-12:30
3. There will be an opportunity in May for OALC students to volunteer at Feed My Starving Children. SLT students felt they wanted criteria for attending the field trip. We decided on the following criteria: Student must pass a minimum of 4/6 classes during GP 9 to be eligible to attend. More info to come.
4. Jahara talked to the group about the Star Tribune and Maple Grove Press articles about our students and program. She felt much of the language was negative and she expressed the importance of doing everything we can to show the positive impact students at the OALC are making.

Respectfully submitted,
Alicia Fischer